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Sunday 24 March 2013

How To Turn Off or Limit WordPress Plugins and Graphics

Here Is The Some Tips For Only Wordpress Don't Use Any Other Plugin.

When the traffic increases on your WordPress blog, all aspects of your blog's code and design elements also increase.

For example, let's say the front page of your blog calls upon 8 graphics to create the "look" of your blog's design. Add to this number the various WordPress template files it takes to build your page. You've got the header, sidebar, footer, and post content area at a minimum. That's four more "calls" to files on your site. For 100 visitors, those files get loaded 1200 times. For 1000 visitors, those files are accessed and loaded 12000 times. This increases your bandwidth and server activity.

WordPress Plugins are also files that are "called" by your WordPress Theme. In turn, these make queries to your database to generate the information on your blog. The more WordPress Plugins, the more queries to your database. Combine all these access files and database queries with an exponential increase in visitors, and you have a lot of demand on your site.

You can lower the number of files accessed and the queries to your database during heavy traffic times by:

limiting the number of graphics on your blog by editing the stylesheet and template files of your WordPress Theme.

turning off a few WordPress Plugins temporarily. Go through your list of WordPress Plugins to see if there are any listed that you could live without for a day or two.

Keep the access to files and your database to a minimum as much as possible. After the heavy traffic volume has died down a bit, then you can reactivate and restore these features.

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