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Wednesday 14 January 2015

The charger will charge the smartphone in 2 minutes

The extremely high speed of Israel Stordot a new company has developed a mobile phone charger, which can charge the smartphone batteries is just two minutes. Recently held in Las Vegas' Consumer Electronics Show on display in the batteries lasted a short period, but the beauty is that only about five hours after the two-minute run charge.

The company said in a statement that the battery is charged in the two minutes, twice a day, so there will be no difficulty in taking charge. The company also showed during a presentation in Tel Aviv being developed in the laboratory of Bio-Organic charger system, a smartphone can charge the battery in just 30 seconds.

According to the BBC, the company's chief executive officer, said Doron Maiersdorf that the charger, battery technology has been designed to develop anew. The battery in the Reaction normal battery are different from the Reactions specially designed and includes synthetic organic atom.

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