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Wednesday 17 December 2014

Credit Card Security Tips While Online Shopping or Else

Wednesday 17 December 2014 - 1 Comment

With holidays around the corner and most ecommerce sites throwing away huge offers and discounts, we have to be extra careful against online scams and frauds. In this post today, we have listed down some helpful tips that you can use for safe credit card usage on the Internet.

So, if you usually shop online with your credit card, here are some safety tips you must consider.

Choose Credit Cards Over Debit Cards

If you use your credit card most of the time for online shopping, then you are already following an important security tip. If any fraudulent charges occur on your credit card, you will still have time to report it to your bank and avoid paying for the transaction made on the card. On the other hand, for a debit card, ‘real money’ gets debited instantly, and it may take days before you can reclaim the money. Also, most banks offer zero liability on lost credit cards. If we take HDFC bank into consideration, it states, “If you lose your card, report it immediately to our 24-hour call centre. After reporting the loss, you have a zero liability on any fraudulent transactions made on your card.”

Go a step further – Use a Virtual Credit Card

Another credit card security tip that works effectively, is using a virtual credit card. As the name suggests, this is not a ‘physical card’ and not issued physically. The following are the benefits of using a virtual credit card:

  1. A virtual credit card is mostly valid for 21 – 48 hours only, depending on the bank that has issued it.
  2. The card can be used for making one payment only.
  3. Any unused amount left in the card gets credited back to the customer’s account.
  4. A virtual credit card cannot be stolen or cloned, as it is an intangible property.

Know your Online Shoppe

Always go for trusted, well-known, reputable, online shopping sites. This is more important when you are purchasing expensive items. It is also wise to go through the privacy and security policy of the site that you are shopping from. You might come across a site that offers unbelievable deals; but odds are, the deals are fake or not what they appear to be.

Understand What Information Your Online Shoppe Needs

A standard checkout/payment page of most online shopping sites require you to give the following details:

  1. Full name as printed on the card
  2. Credit card number
  3. Expiration date
  4. CVV number
  5. Shipping/Billing address

But, if the payment page asks for your ATM pin, net banking login ID and password, mother’s maiden name, etc., then you have enough reasons to treat this as a phishing attack. Immediately close the browser, and report the website to the right authority such as Google.

Avoid Public and Free Wi-Fi Networks

This credit card security tip also applies to all kinds of financial transactions that you do online. Avoid using your credit card over public computer network such as cyber cafes and free Wi-Fi. These networks are less secured or have no security against hackers who can spy on your information and misuses it for illegal purpose.

Look for “HTTPS” and pad lock symbol

Before giving away your credit/debit information on the checkout page of any site, always ensure that the URL in browser’s address bar begins with “https://” and is accompanied by a “locked padlock” symbol. If it is otherwise, then do not proceed with the purchase. Go for a safer option such as cash-on-delivery.

The Better way to Protection Against Phishing and Threats be Sure you have a Better Antivirus System on your Computer or Laptop.

Don’t Follow Links in Emails

If you receive an email from your online shopping site about a great offer, and asks you to follow a link to view it, then here’s what you should do. Go to the website by typing its URL in the browser or Google, and verify if it is really hosting any such offers. Never click such links in emails even if they seem to have come from your favorite or a popular retailer.

Have Anti-phishing Protection on Your Computer

Nowadays, it is impossible for normal users to differentiate a fake, phishing website from a real one. Even a professional, neatly done website that seems innocuous, can be a compromised site waiting for you to fall into its trap. Hence, having an anti-phishing protection on your computer can be extremely beneficial. This feature, as the name suggests, automatically restricts user from landing on a fraudulent or phishing website.

If you think you have some more credit card security tips to add to this post, please feel free to leave them in the comment box below. Stay safe!

Basic Security Tips for Bloggers and Begginers

Recently, Mat Honan’s frightening account of how hackers destroyed his digital life has been making rounds online, scaring nearly everyone who reads it.

Basically, Honan’s digital presence was all but destroyed after hackers managed to delete his Google Account, wipe his iPhone, iPad and Macbook and deface his Twitter account. The reason for the attack, according to one of the people behind it, was “lulz” and to play around with a three-character Twitter name.

Honan’s position as senior reporter at Gizmodo did nothing to provoke nor protect him from the attack. Though he acknowledges his mistakes the affair, most sharply his failure to backup critical data (which everyone should have), his sharpest barbs were for Amazon and Apple, who’s security policies made the hack possible.

Though he acknowledges his mistakes the affair, most sharply his failure to backup critical data (which everyone should have), his sharpest barbs were for Amazon and Apple, who’s security policies made the hack possible.

Though Amazon and Apple have responded by updating their security policies, hopefully to prevent future attacks along the same vector, many have been wondering what they can do to strengthen their security online.
The truth is, no security is perfect and anyone who is a valuable enough target can be bit. But you can make yourself a more difficult target and someone who can not be trivially exploited and you can minimize the damage an attacker can do.
With that in mind, here are a few mostly common sense steps that can get you started to being more secure online.

  • Make or Write Smart Password Using Letter, Numerical, Upper & Lower Case: 

A good password should be long, at least eight characters, easy to remember and contain a combination of lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers and symbols. Most importantly, it should not be a word found in the dictionary nor any variation of one.

Also, you should never reuse a password for more than one site and you should never write your passwords down.

If this sounds like a lot, it is. It’s too much for pretty much anyone to do without help.
One solution is to use a device known as a cipher to generate passwords on the fly. For example, you can look at the domain name of the site and generate a password based on it. Basically, to do this, you look at the site you’re at and create a hard-to-guess password from the domain.

For example, facebook might have a password of g1s@v3r$ if you use the cipher of looking at your keyboard and writing the first four letters of the domain “face” using the keys one to the right of the real ones and then breaking up the letters with the numbers 1-4 alternating with the shift function every other time. Look at your keyboard (US) if you are unclear.

Alternatively, you can also use services like LastPass to help you generate, store and automatically fill in passwords. However, these services are a trade off between random, difficult passwords and a new central point of failure. As long as the service itself is secure, you’re most likely fine.

  • Two Factor Authentication Attempt:

Matt Cutts at Google recommended this strongly on his blog and I agree.
Two factor authentication simply means that you need two forms of authentication to log into a site. However, they have to be two different forms (not simply two passwords).

One form, obviously, is your password (something you know) but the other is usually something you have. These days, your cell phone is the most likely thing as many services, such as PayPal and Google, will send you a text that you have to repeat to log in. Google also, has its own app for most phones and that’s how LastPass handles its two-factor authentication.

This is an incredibly powerful tool because, even if your password is compromised, which Honan’s attack shows it can be easily in some cases, your account is not. It’s very unlikely, barring drastic steps, someone is going to have both your cell phone and your password. One or the other is possible, even likely, but not both.

If your account offers two factor authentication, turn it on as soon as possible. It’s a very powerful step.

  • Personal Information:

A lot of sites will ask you to create backup security questions in case you forget your password. Common ones involve things such as your favorite pets name or the street you grew up on.
The problem is that many of these things can be trivially researched. However, you can beat this by simply lying on the questions.

After all, there’s no rule that you be honest, just that you remember your answer. If you’re asked for your favorite pet, give the name of your childhood imaginary pet. Ideally, your answers should be related enough to the questions to remind you of what you said, but far enough off base that it’s not trivially guessed.

  • Credit Card Common Sense Tips:

Credit cards are like passwords, ideally they should not be used more than once and should never be stored. As Honan’s attack showed, even if they aren’t used for financial gain, they can still be used to open up exploits into other accounts.

If you have a bank or a credit card company that will issue single-use credit card numbers, use them. They are immensely powerful. If you don’t, try to avoid storing your credit card numbers and especially about storing one number across multiple accounts.

It might be annoying to re-enter your credit card data every time you want to buy a book on Amazon, but it could be what saves you from a minor hack becoming a major one.

  • Bottom Line:

In the end, security is about the trade off between protection and convenience. Most of the things that make you more secure will also take up more of your time.

It’s really annoying to have to find your phone every time you want to log in to your gmail or you have to enter a complex password that’s difficult to guess. Life would be much easier if we didn't have to deal with those things.

But, of course, that isn't practical. The problem is that others don’t value your life, your privacy, your information or your work. They would happily destroy it all, whether it’s for profit, a vendetta or just “lulz”, there are individuals who will not think twice about destroying your world.

If you realize that and that no one is too unimportant to be a target, then it only makes sense to take precautions now. Today’s hassle may save you from tomorrow’s attack.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Are You Yet Using Free Wi-Fi in Public Place! Read them carefully

Sunday 14 December 2014 - 0 Comments

New Delhi (India) Railway Station has recently been Wi-Fi enabled. Do you know that Wi-Fi at public places while your system and data-use are both at risk? What to do then? Wi-Fi at public places such as using some important settings in your computer and take advantage of this feature from the rest:

Hotel on, railway stations, coffee shops, etc. The public Wi-Fi networks are not as safe as you think. Among them is the password, even though you are a network share with the thousands which means that you are taking a risk. While working on the same network and steal someone's username and password to track what others are working on it, very easy to operate. Obviously, you do not want to take any chances. Here are some tell about the settings are any public Wifi networks while on the must-use, even if the network is password protected or not.

1. Turn off sharing

If you're at home, you file, folder, printer, or other things to share with others, but after coming over a public network like you to stop this kind of sharing so that no one can access your information. Follow this approach to the sharing of Windows:

- Start by going to the Control Panel Open the system.

- Network and Sharing Center, click on.

- Left side look up Change Advanced Sharing Settings. Click it.

- Come and give you a file and printer sharing is off. Network Discovery and Public Folder Sharing can also off.

2. Enable Firewall

Nowadays, most operating systems come with basic firewalls. Unnecessary local users to pry into your computer, it is a simple step to prevent. Use only will you have firewalls. Czech for Windows can thus: Control Panel> System and Security> Windows Firewall. Windows Firewall in the Control Panel option in many computers are seen. Make sure that your firewall is going on here. From here you can also decide which applications you want to access. The Control Panel> System and Security> Windows Firewall> Allow a program or feature go and edit it to your liking. Firewall does not mean that you have to keep on all escaped the danger, but it's always good to keep on.

3. Using "https" Enabled Sites For Transaction or         Browsing

Facebook, Gmail is "https"(Means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and "S" means SECURE)on its own as many sites, but while working on someone else's site, or sensitive data or passwords must take the time to look at the address bar put. S Make sure that there is at http. If s is not immediately log out. Advice is that if credit card or banking jobs are related to the public Wi-Fi networks Do not Use. Sensitive to such things would be better at home.

4. Turn off Wi-Fi if Not Using It 

Safety of your computer every time you want and do not need the Internet to Use Wi-Fi to your place of. Every time without a Wi-Fi only if you keep the others, it increases the chances of your work Watch unsuspecting. Wi-Fi is off easy in Windows. For this you right-click on the wireless icon in the task bar and turn off Wi-Fi.

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